
Check off if this describes you:

  • Woman

  • Age 21+

  • Seeking to make a significant change

  • Seeking guidance & support in making that change

  • Seeking real connections with other like-minded women

  • Seeking to discover your purpose

  • Own a business or interested in starting one

  • Willing to invest in yourself

If you have checked all of the above, then you have come to the right place. The Butterfly Society is made up of women like you working toward transformation & fulfillment. This site itself is designed to help women reach their full potential both in business and in life through targeted training & coaching videos and actionsheets developed by Heather Lopez and other highly respected experts in their field. Training topics include, but are not limited to: Social Media, Marketing, Branding, PR (Public Relations), Blogging, Tech (SEO, Mobile, Apps, etc), and Promotional Events (online and off).  New videos will be added every month to stay on top of developments in technology and business. The site also offers the ability to interact with other members, post directory listings, and an e-commerce store for butterfly and exclusive TBS items.

Our training videos and actionsheets are designed with a metamorphosis system in mind. This means that videos/ actionsheets will be labeled based on the phase of our metamorphosis they support. This will help guide you based on whatever phase you feel you fall into. You decide when you are ready to move to the next phase, no red tape. You simply start the trainings at the next phase. You can go back to any other phase at any time, no worries.

Our Membership Options Are Simple!

Free Member- Click Here to Register!

Basic Member- Access to Butterfly-in-Training Videos Only $17/mo 

VIP Member- Access to Butterfly-in-Training Videos + Actionsheets $27/mo 

As an Egg, you may have the basics you need to survive right now, but in a short amount of time, you will run out of nourishment. You possess so much potential to become something beautiful, but you are still held back by your outer shell. Your shell is constructed by your own limiting beliefs & you need to break through it in order to fulfill your destiny. As an egg, our society welcomes you in with open arms as we guide you to discover and define your true calling. There is no recommended timeframe for this phase, but it is important to note that if you truly want to emerge from your shell, you will need to put in the work to get there. Trainings at this phase incorporate our D-I-S-C-O-V-E-R-Y™ system, which is designed to guide you into finding the right business for you.

Your true metamorphosis begins at the Caterpillar stage when you have freshly emerged from confinement.  This stage will help quench your thirst for knowledge by giving you access to a foundation of resources to feed your mind and build your business.  Here is where you will find Heather's Butterfly-in-Training™ system and other meat & potatoes, how-to trainings on key business-building elements.  Typical members stay in this phase between 4-6 months before they advance into the Chrysalis stage, where the real holistic transformation begins.

At the Chrysallis stage, you will be undergoing dramatic changes while enveloped in a coccoon of support and guidance. Trainings in this phase are designed to help you exceed your expectations by changing the way you view yourself and care for yourself as well. Typical members stay in this phase between 4-6 months before they advance into the Butterfly phase, when they first begin to take flight. This phase is one of the most important phases to address because if you try to take flight when you haven't worked on your mindset, like a butterfly who has had its coccoon removed too soon, you will not flourish. Trainings incorporate our new Your Mindset is Key to Your Success™ system.

Coming soon! When you have reached the Butterfly stage, you are now filled with knowledge and have adjusted your mindset so that you are ready to begin putting it all into action. Members remain in this phase for anywhere between 4 to 16 months, depending on how committed they are to the process and how quickly they take flight. Recommended for those in business for 1-3 years and with a minimum household income of $25K.

Coming soon! In nature, it is a butterfly that arises every four generations and makes the entire migration between the North and the South while it takes three generations to make the entire trip in the opposite direction.

In this process, a Super Monarch has already taken flight but wants to set themselves apart from the rest. You are ready to share yourself with the world & grow a six figure business while doing what you love. This process takes place over a year-long program designed to give you all those tools you will need to soar to your destination without stopping. Recommended for those in business for 3+ years and with a minimum income of $50K.


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